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If exercise was a pill it would be the most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the world

Exercise Physiology

What is an Accredited exercise physiologist (AEP)?

An AEP is a university qualified exercise professional. 

We use exercise in the management and prevention of chronic disease and injury, along with pre-habilitation and rehabilitation following acute injury or surgery.

AEP's are very strictly accredited and work with Medicare, the Department of Veterans Affairs and WorkCover to provide allied health services to those in need.

As well as working with chronic illness they also provide services for anyone aiming to improve their general health and wellbeing.


What We Do?

At Revolv Health we use specific exercise prescription to help manage chronic illness or to restore and improve physical function.

This covers a wide range of conditions including

  • Metabolic diseases; Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, PCOS, Obesity.

  • Cardiovascular diseases; High Blood Pressure, Coronary Artery Disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Atherosclerosis, Arrhythmia.

  • Neuro-Muscular conditions; Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, and Pre/Post Surgical Rehabilitation.

  • Mental Illness (a growing base of evidence supports the use of exercise for it's positive effects on mental health); Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD.

We develop exercise plans to help improve your quality of life and well-being. There are endless benefits to starting and maintaining a good exercise routine, especially if you have a chronic health condition. 


Programs and services

Exercise physiology is considered part of the Allied Health field, and as such we can provide many services related to health and wellbeing;

  • TCA (Team Care Arrangement) or GPMP (General Practitioner Management Plan)

  • CDM (Chronic Disease Management Plans)

  • Workers Compensation

  • DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs)

  • Strength For Life Program

  • Pre/Post Surgical Rehab

  • Private Sessions


Strength For Life

At Revolv Health we provide the Strength For Life program as endorsed by COTA (Council Of The Aging). This is a program with a focus on balance and progressive strength designed for anyone over the age of 50 with a chronic condition or even just worried about staying active and maintaining good health well into their later years (our oldest class member is currently 95!). This program is specifically designed to progressively help you overcome the many challenges associated with aging including loss of bone, muscle, balance and function. It involves three supervised class sessions per week as well as your own program to work from with exercise videos and the ability to ask a question whenever you feel unsure of what you're doing. It does involve a referral from your GP, so please contact us as we can supply you with the forms required.

Class times: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10am-12pm.


If in doubt about whether the services we provide could improve your life feel free to contact us.